Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Men Hair Mid Thirties

Here's a entrevistilla I did in Berria and published on Sunday. Euskera is not mine eh? what else would I! and Mazinger Z. ....





Aizkolariak, pilotariak, poxpolinak eta bestelako pertsonaiak Japoniako grabatuen estiloarekin landu ditu Lizarrako artistak, eta erakusgai jarri ditu irudiok Errenteriako Mikelazulo Kultur Elkartean.

«Japonia eta Euskal Herria oso urrun daude, baina kulturek badituzte loturak»


Raul Santesteban (Lizarra, Nafarroa, 1973). Iruñeko Arte eta Ofizioen eskolan ikasi zuen grabatugintza. Euskiyo-e erakusketa jarri du Errenteriako Mikelazulo Kultur Elkartean (Gipuzkoa). Japonian grabatuei ukiyo-e esaten diete, eta Santestebanek hango estetika Euskal Herriko gaiak jorratzeko erabiltzen du. Ekainean ikusi ahal izango da 11 grabatuko bilduma. Nondik datorkizu japoniako grabatuekiko interesa? Mazinger Z marrazki bizidun sailetik. Nola bururatu zitzaizun Japoniako grabatua euskal gaietarako erabiltzea? Urte asko daramat handik eta hemendik hartzen, eta azkenean sail bat osatuko luketen irudiak egin nahi nituen. Ez nuen bilatu. Bi kulturak oso urrun daude, baina lotura puntuak dituzte: harrijasotzaileak-sumo borrokalariak, poxpolinak-geishak, aizkolariak, pilotariak, joaldunak, txikiteroak... Kimonoen estanpatua eta hemengo atorrena oso antzekoa da. Bibliografia asko daukat, eta horretan oinarritu naiz. Urtebete daramat honekin. Japoniako laguntza izan duzu. Hizkuntza Eskolako irakasle japoniar euskaldun batek lagundu zidan testuekin, baina kaligrafiarekin ez zen ausartu, hori Japonian arte oso bat delako. Madrilen Japoniako artea erakusten duen beste batek lagundu zidan kaligrafiarekin. Ahalik eta gehien hurbildu nahi nuen benetako idazkerara, bestela japoniarrak berehala konturatuko lirateke ideogramak idatzi dituena ez dela japoniarra. Halere, harria erabili dut nik plantxak egiteko, nahiz eta han egurra erabiltzen duten. Bestela izugarri luzea egingo zitzaidan prozesua, egurra lehortu behar delako eta abar. Tearen zeremonia bezala, baina amaigabea. Zer esan dizute japoniarrek? Han ere aizkolariak badirela, eta gustatu zitzaien ideia. Txikiteroak egongo dira, sakearekin bada ere. Nik ez nuen inor haserretzea nahi, ez han eta ez hemen. Noiz egingo duzu manga bat Euskal Herriko istorioekin? Duela urte asko utzi nuen komikiena. Grabatuarekin jarraituko dut oraingoz. Sail hau lantzen jarraituko dut. Neska harri-jasotzaile batzuk egiten ari naiz oraintxe bertan.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Model Ideas For The Alamo'

P ospolinak

T res images of the exhibition, through Thursday are the Mikelazulo Rentería, if you walk around and I quite curious. On Saturday inaugurated in Reciclarte, C / Bernardino Tirapu of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bwill be for all San Fermin.



Friday, June 25, 2010

Does The Camera Flash Damage A Baby 's Eyes


have been months of very dedicated and although I have not yet finished series of pictures, it's time to go show to the "monsters"! I also leave you a little explanation about the work done. I hope you like it. Salud!

I was always struck by the Japanese culture and also prints called ukiyo-e, usually made with the technique of woodcut and wood engraving and images on everyday topics treated in Japan of those times (first century XVII onwards) samurais, geishas, \u200b\u200bsumo wrestlers, actors, genre scenes, erotic scenes, landscapes, animals ... Many of these images, we have seen in other visual media, and have come to be on topics of that country. When I talk about Japan, I immediately come to mind kimono, katana and bare with the rictus lords very seriously, although we are in 2010.
In this series of lithographs called Euskiyo-is, play with Japanese aesthetics and scenes of our culture and daily life (many of them also become topical), resulting in a mixture of both cultures in principle so far, but that digging a bit, may have some similarity and with no more effort than trying to provoke the smile of one to see.
In this series of lithographs, collaborated Keiko, a professor of Japanese Language School in Pamplona, \u200b\u200bwhich has helped me with translations of the titles of the prints and calligraphy teacher Norie (shodo), Centre for Art and Culture of Japan in Madrid, which has charge of calligraphy and I appreciate their generous cooperation, without which there could carry out this work.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Is A Removal Deck Great

POSTER BAZAAR live on the 2nd of the 2nd

El Cartel
to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe designers, artists and musicians who will

IN THE BAZAAR WILL CREATE AN ATMOSPHERE WHERE ONLY unite different artistic concepts and direct communication between,
MUSIC-> Artist-> Design-> EXPECTED
which only you can experience attending. SALE WILL

(Painting, Printmaking, Illustration, Paper toys, dolls, vintage clothing, pottery, jewelry, accessories, trees, art, bags, shirts, shoes, decorated boxes, notebooks and more)
All made by artists and designers MEXICAN

LIVE MUSIC (Saturday and Sunday)
With new musical genres
various bands (ROCK, EXPERIMENTAL, JAZZ, Britpop)
Musicians (Folk, Acoustic, Ambient, Jazz)
DJs (funk, soul , alternative, environmental) INTERVENTIONS

* illustrates a mural at the Cultural Center

* Look may be changing in a very funny, because we have style that transforms Arm show while someone:) --------
pool their money Q TO GO WITH NO HANDS AND EMPTY

the 2nd live Bazaar Art and Design Works
Friday 2, Saturday 3, Sunday 4 July 11 to 20 hours CULTURAL CENTER ART BOX
Alley Romita # 8 col. Rome
between Puebla and Durango to 2 blocks from the subway Cuauhtemoc
will be waiting Uffa!

